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Knitted Animals Anne-Dorthe Grigaff

Hawthorn Press

  • Here is an irresistible collection of animals to knit in soft, natural materials: ducklings, teddy bears, lambs, piglets, hedgehogs, a handsome rooster, and many more. Most of the projects can be quickly and cheaply knitted with small oddments of wool, and many can be completed in an hour or two – ideal for knitters looking for ways to reduce their yarn stash!

    Knitted Animals includes:

    • Step-by-step instructions for making over 20 delightful, soft knitted animals
    • Beautiful colour photographs throughout
    • A good range of projects suitable for older children with basic knitting skills

    The finished designs make enchanting children’s toys and gifts, decoration for the school nature or season table, and items for fairs and raffles.

    Anne-Dorthe Grigaff is a teacher at a Steiner Waldorf school in Denmark. She has a passionate interest in handicraft.
  • Hardback Book
  • 198 x 208mm